Helen Blake, G’67 and Prestley Blake at the Gala
Helen Blake, G’67 and Prestley Blake at the Gala
Half a Million Raised for Student Scholarships
In an evening of elegance and passion, the Springfield College President’s Gala turned the page to a new institutional chapter by creating an opportunity for alumni, Trustees, faculty and staff members, and friends to commit themselves to the most important thing at Springfield College: our students.
The event raised over $500,000 for student scholarships when more than 300 gathered on the evening of Saturday, Oct. 26, at the MGM Springfield Aria Ballroom. All proceeds will go toward need- and merit-based student scholarships.
“The results are nothing short of extraordinary,” said President Mary-Beth A. Cooper. “These funds will assist the next generation of scholars, helping to ensure that we continue to provide top-quality experiences and resources to our students so that each has the essential tools to be successful.”
The Gala was an opportunity to celebrate our Humanics philosophy and reinforce the College mission of educating students in spirit, mind, and body, for leadership in service to others.
“This is an opportunity for us to advance Humanics by providing more scholarship dollars, making it possible for students to continue to choose Springfield College,” said Kathleen Martin, G’97, DPE ’99, vice president for institutional advancement.
In addition, the President’s Gala celebrated the 50-year commitment of Springfield College having an active member of the current student body serve as a voting member of the Springfield College Board of Trustees, the primary governing body of the College. According to the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, only 21 percent of independent institutions have at least one student member on the Board of Trustees.
Involved in the Gala were senior Alexandra Goslin, a math and secondary education major from South Windsor, Conn., who is serving as the 49th elected Student Trustee this academic year, and junior Kristian Rhim, a communications/sports journalism major from Philadelphia, Pa., who serves as the student trustee-elect this academic year and will be the 50th Student Trustee starting in June 2020.